
The challenges of measuring epilepsy in rodents

EEG on freely moving rats? It's possible in the PhenoTyper. This was necessary to measure if delivering drugs directly to the brain could help epilepsy patients.

Home cage behavior and epilepsy in the Stargazer mutant mouse

Using long-term home cage behavioral research, scientists successfully created a behavioral characterization of Stargazer mutant mouse, a model often used in epilepsy research.

Researching comorbidity in patients with autism spectrum disorder

Patients with autistic spectrum disorder also tend to have other disorders like epilepsy. Why is that and how can understanding that help us understand autism?

Non-invasive home cage testing of epilepsy in mice

Epilepsy is more than seizures; behavioral changes that occur in between seizures are rarely assessed. A new home cage study from the Baylor College of Medicine aims to change this.